

  • 1 session (2 vials): 1000
  • 2 session (2 vials): 900
  • 3-6 session (2 vials): 800


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You are a good candidate for Kybella if you are bothered or unhappy with fullness under your chin area, otherwise known as “double chin”. Sometimes this fullness can make you feel or look heavier than you actually are. This treatment is a good alternative to surgical correction. You are also a good candidate if you eat right and exercise, but the fullness under your chin will just not go away!

At Revitalize Medical Spa, we use Kybella as an injectable treatment under the chin that destroys fat cells to improve your profile.

Patients typically require a minimum of 2 treatments but may need up to 6 treatments for adequate results. The treatment plan will be determined by your provider.